Stories are listed alphabetically
(excluding the words "A", "An" and "The")
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Haiku by Cobalt [Link inactive] Universe: any Adult: slash (E/V) Date Updated: 28 January 2009 |
Half-Past Tears by Beth Universe: Foster Brothers Date Updated: 27 February 2007 |
Hallelujah by Beth Universe: Old West Date Updated: 5 February 2008 |
The Hanging - A Short Story by Bernadette Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hanging Out by Michelle N. Universe: Old West Date Added: 15 February 2004 |
Hangman by Heather F. Universe: Old West Date Added: 9 July 2005 |
Happy Anniversary, Mr. Larabee by Kris Chris' injury has Josiah reflect on his past Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Happy Birthday! by Sivan Shemesh What a lover would do for a certain gambler in a special day? Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 4 January 2009 |
Happy Birthday, Buck by MAC Universe: modern day Adult: slash (E/B) Date Added: 2 January 2005 |
Happy Birthday, Cowboy by Brigitta B Sequel to Leave It To Me and It. A story of mischief. It's Chris' birthday and Mary wants to throw him a surprise party... so she enlists the help of Ezra. But just how will the gambler convince Vin, to convince Chris, to come to the party? Universe: Old West Date Added: 4 April 2004 |
Happy Birthday, Ezra by Judy Seils Part of the Understanding Ezra series. It's Ezra's first birthday with Team 7, only they don't know. Universe: ATF Date Updated: 4 November 2006 |
Happy Birthday To Me by Jean Graham [PDF] Jean has asked us to link only to her Homepage, therefore this link does not lead directly to the story. Universe: ATF Date Added: 14 November 2006 |
Happy Birthday To Me by KellyA Universe: Old West Date Updated: 5 June 2004 |
A Hard Day's Work by Ladysmiths Universe: Old West Adult: slash (C/V/E) Date Added: 27 May 2004 |
Hard Ride by Kris Universe: Old West Date Updated: 7 May 2006 |
Hardcases by Starwinder While living on the streets of Denver sixteen-year-old Vin Tanner and Ezra Standish become involved in two federal cases. Afraid for his life, Ezra is living in disguise as a teenaged girl. Can ATF Agent Chris Larabee win his trust enough to learn his real name and who he's afraid of, let alone get him to testify as the only person who saw ATF Agent Stephen Travis' killer? Universe: Hardcases ATF AU Adult: slash (E/V) Date Updated: 30 April 2005 |
Harmony by Starwinder A warm summer's evening and a quiet conversation leads to other things. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/V) Date Updated: 30 April 2005 |
Hat by NotTasha Part of the Horse's Tale series Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Haunting Memories by Alexa Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Having Your Cake by Helen Adams Universe: ATF Date Added: 20 April 2009 |
The Hazard Of The Die by Zeke Black Sometimes chancing all is the only choice. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (C/E) Date Added: 17 October 2004 |
HAS (Hazardous Assignment Squad) by Setcheti Universe: The Chronicle Date Updated: 2 April 2008 |
HAS 2: Back To Unreality by Setcheti Sequel to HAS (Hazardous Assignment Squad) Universe: The Chronicle Date Updated: 2 April 2008 |
A Hazzard County Wedding by Vin Tanner's Girl Sequel to My Love, General Lee Universe: ATF Date Added: 12 August 2005 |
He Sees by Sablecain On the emotional anniversary of his family's death, Chris learns something about Ezra that he'd never imagined Universe: Old West Date Updated: 16 November 2009 |
He Understands by Sablecain Sequel to He Sees Universe: Old West Date Updated: 16 November 2009 |
Head & Shoulders, Bees And Toes by LaraMee Deux Part of the In The Good Ol' Summertime series Universe: Little Britches ATF Date Added: 16 January 2006 |
Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out by Hombre The boys agree to help out on a trail drive after the boss has received threats from Guy Royal. How will they cope? Ezra, for one, certainly experiences a rough time. Universe: Old West Date Added: 15 July 2004 |
Headache by Hombre Ezra just can't shake off the headache that has plagued him for days. Is it just a simple headache or something more sinister? Universe: ATF Date Added: 11 March 2005 |
Heading Home by Ladysmiths A choice needs to be made as a life is held in the balance when a storm breaks in Four Corners. Universe: Old West Date Added: 27 May 2004 |
Healers And Doctors by Zentry Universe: Old West Date Added: 11 December 2005 |
Healing by BlueKat Short story. Sometimes you have to make an error to discover the truth. (Takes place after the episode 'Obsession'.) Universe: Old West Adult: slash (C/B, E/V) Date Added: 3 March 2005 |
Healing by Crow Sequel to Tangle Universe: Dark Knights Adult: slash (pre-slash E/C) Date Added: 6 April 2009 |
Healing by Silver Part of the A Good Honest Man series Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Healing by Starwinder Part of the Broken Hearts series Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 6 June 2005 |
Healing by Tiffiny Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Healing (Epilogue) by Tiffiny Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Healing Process by Bernadette Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
A Healthy Measure Of
Insanity by Ladysmiths Insanity is contagious when Team 7 are around. Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Heart Of Gold by Monica M. After a selfless act Ezra contemplates just what it means, and what it is worth, to have a heart of gold. Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hearts (series) by Lara Bee Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/C) Date Updated: 26 October 2004
A Heart's Pride by Lara Bee Part of the Pride series Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Heat Lightning by Luna Dey Part of the Second Chances series Universe: Old West Adult: het (E/M) Date Added: 24 October 2005 |
Heat Wave by Kitipurr Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/V) Date Updated: 20 April 2009 |
Heated Whispers by Kay A smutty little seduction ficlet. Universe: modern Adult: slash (B/E) Date Added: 9 July 2004 |
The Heist by Heather Flaherty Universe: Old West Date Added: 20 July 2004 |
Hell Or High Water by VampyrAlex Thinking he has done something terrible, Ezra tries to leave the team. Universe: ATF Adult: slash (C/B, E/C, E/V) Date Added: 19 April 2004 |
Hello, My Dear by Twig Sequel to Unreliable Ezra's having a conversation in the hospital. Utter silliness. Universe: ATF Date Updated: 23 November 2004 |
Hell's Wake by Wyvern The murder of a family near Four Corners has far reaching repercussions on the seven men who protect the town. Can their friendship survive? Will they? Universe: Old West Date Updated: 16 November 2009 |
Helping Hands by Jo Ann Part of the Lessons In Love series Universe: Into The Fold Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 1 August 2004 |
"Here's To Many More Lively Conversations" by Meg Tipper Part of The Poem Challenge Dorothy Parker's "Resume". Ezra and Josiah. Universe: Old West Date Added: 20 May 2004 |
A Hero's Heart by Kayim This is my theory about what happened during the events of "Achilles". Universe: Old West Date Added: 20 April 2009 |
A Hero's Mask by Jo Ann Sequel to Fate's Decision Ezra and Vin witness something terrible and get to talking about heros and alternate career choices. Universe: ATF Date Updated: 30 July 2004 |
Heroes And Villains by JIN Universe: Old West Date Added: 30 September 2004 |
Herpetology by Heather F. Universe: ATF Date Added: 5 August 2004 |
Hey Pard by Yolande Buck has an accident and loses his memory. He attacks Ezra and leaves him for dead. Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hidden Places, Forbidden Spaces by MAC Cowboy Dreams Birch Challenge - The setting challenge. Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/N) Date Added: 29 January 2005 |
Hidden Talents by Katherine Universe: ATF Date Added: 29 July 2004 |
Hidden Talents by Ranger When Chris's confidence is shaken by one of his own men, the seven have to try to regain their balance. Universe: Old West Date Added: 13 May 2008 |
Hide And Go Seek by Hombre Ezra is taken hostage while undercover. Can the boys find him before the threat against his life is carried out? Is he safe when they do find him? Universe: ATF Date Added: 11 March 2005 |
Hideaway by Ladysmiths Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 28 May 2004 |
High And Dry by Beth aka Midge Part of the Where The Wind Blows series Universe: ATF Date Updated: 5 February 2008 |
High Card Wins by Rob Nunn Universe: Old West Date Added: 10 March 2009 |
High Stakes by Jade Standish Universe: Old West Date Updated: 11 February 2008 |
High Stakes by Kim and Shawna Virtual Season episode Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
High Stakes by Sue Bartholomew Universe: Old West Date Updated: 22 August 2006 |
High Winds by Rambo 221 Work in progress Universe: Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Highway Heroes by Joy K Universe: ATF Date Added: 4 July 2009 |
A Hiking We Will Go! by Bernadette Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hillbillies & Geeks by Tidia and Mog Universe: ATF Date Added: 26 December 2004 |
His Child, And Forever I Am by Jade Standish [Link inactive] Universe: Old West Adult: (J/E) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
His Decision by Wyvern Ezra is shot by an escaping prisoner. Universe: Old West Date Added: 27 April 2004 |
His Due by Cobalt Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/V implied) Date Updated: 28 January 2009 |
His Own Tongue by Beth aka Midge Universe: Old West Date Updated: 5 February 2008 |
His Word by Ruby Sequel to On Our Side. Universe: ATF Date Added: 26 December 2004 |
History In A Bottle by Allaire Mikháil Universe: Old West Adult: pre-slash (C/E) Date Updated: 15 August 2005 |
Hitting The 'Oh' by Macx Part of the Denuo modern series Universe: Denuo modern Adult: slash (E/C; V/B) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hoax by Kris Ezra comes home to find the team in disarray Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hole In The Wall Gang by Nadine Sequel to A Home Of Ma Own Universe: ATF Date Added: 10 February 2005 |
Holiday On Ice by MAC SSFE team faces a crisis in the arctic when one of their clients acts foolishly, jeopardizing Ezra's life. Universe: Seven Seas Fantasy Expeditions Adult: slash (E/B) Date Added: 11 April 2004 |
Home by Beth Universe: Foster Brothers Date Updated: 13 June 2005 |
Home by BlueKat Short story. Sometimes things aren't where you search for them. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 28 February 2005 |
A Home For Christmas by Angela B. Ezra's first Christmas with the guys. Will it be too much? Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Home For Christmas by Rebel Yell Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Home For Christmas by Setcheti Universe: ATF Date Updated: 2 April 2008 |
Home For The Holidays by Angela B. Ezra is determined to get home for Christmas. Universe: ATF Date Added: 14 March 2004 |
Home For The Holidays by Jo Ann Universe: Into The Fold Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 31 July 2004 |
Home, Home On The Ranch by Jaye B. Part of the Alterations series Ezra leaves the hospital. Universe: Little Ezra - Old West AU Date Updated: 22 September 2007 |
Home Is Where The Heart Is (series) by Jessie Jane Cheshire Universe: Old West Date Added: 6 June 2005
A Home Of Ma Own by Nadine Sequel to Brother's Keeper Universe: ATF Date Added: 26 September 2004 |
Home Of The Brave by NotTasha Part of the Annie Greer saga Annie Greer and Ezra enjoy a day in the park on the Fourth of July, and learn a little bit about being brave. Universe: Old West Date Added: 11 March 2004 |
Home, Or Something Like It by Katherine Sequel to Motivations Universe: Seven For Hire Adult: slash (E/V) Date Added: 19 March 2005 |
Homeward Bound by BML Hillen-Keene Work in progress. Sequel to Cats And Dogs. Buck and Chris have been called to a court case in the city that involves both of them. They leave Vin, Ezra and JD in the capable hands of Josiah and Nathan out at the ranch. However, some people come to the ranch, intent on stealing the horses. In desperation, the horse-nappers instead take the three animals, hoping that by taking them far enough away they will have sufficient time to get the horses. They dump them in the wilderness of the great forest park on the other side of the city. Now Vin, Ezra and JD must rely on each other to get home. Universe: modern day AU Date Updated: 3 October 2007 |
Homo Enodatus by Raven Part of the Latin series Knots are examined, tied tighter, cut and unravelled, and yet, remain knotted. But at least they have a plan for tonight. Kinda. Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/JD) Date Added: 19 September 2004 |
Honor Among Thieves by Kaliope Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Intentions by Luna Dey Some content may be unsuitable for sensitive readers Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hope by Jade Standish Universe: ATF Date Updated: 11 February 2008 |
Hope, And Angels' Wings by Gloria M. Atwater The approach of Christmas finds Buck reveling in the Holiday spirit, yet his six friends are far from sharing his sentiments. Can Buck help them discover a new and true meaning to Christmas, and thus regain his own joyful heart? Universe: Old West Date Updated: 7 May 2006 |
Hope In The Midst Of Despair by Heidi Universe: Old West Date Added: 25 July 2004 |
Hopes by BlueKat Sequel to On The Run Universe: On The Run Date Added: 20 March 2005 |
Hopes And Dreams by Sue Necessary Buck gets injured protecting Ezra, and when Ezra takes care of him, it leads them to a deeper understanding of their feelings for each other. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (B/E) Date Added: 1 March 2004 |
A Horse Is A Horse by Judy Seils Snippet for the Understanding Ezra series. A new friend is found. Universe: ATF Date Added: 25 February 2008 |
Horse's Tale (series) by NotTasha Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004
Horse Thieves by Sevenstars Sequel to Convergence Universe: Jamesburg (Old West) Date Added: 19 February 2004 |
Horsing Around by Leigh Richards Universe: Alternate Y2K Date Added: 18 March 2009 |
Hostage by KellyA Universe: ATF Date Updated: 4 June 2004 |
Hostage Situation by KellyA Universe: Old West Date Updated: 5 June 2004 |
Hostages by Enid Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hot Wine by Cyc Ennius (Ezra) is hot and the rest of his cohort lend a hand. Universe: Roman AU Adult: slash (E/rest of seven) Date Added: 16 January 2005 |
The Hound Of The Standishs by Sammy Girl Gen version. Universe: Conan Doyle Date Added: 29 February 2004 |
The Hound Of The Standishs by Sammy Girl Universe: Conan Doyle Adult: slash (C/B, V/E implied) Date Added: 5 March 2004 |
House Of Cards by Judy Seils Sequel to The Chronicler's story "52". (Also included within "House Of Cards" link.) Universe: ATF Date Updated: 4 November 2006 |
House Of Cards (Part One): Setting Them Up by Cyc Part of the Illusions series The most important meal of the day has a few revelations. Universe: Meta 7 Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 15 January 2005 |
House Of Cards (Part Two): Watching Them Fall by Cyc Part of the Illusions series Ezra risks all -- but was Chris charmed? Universe: Meta 7 Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 15 January 2005 |
How Dark The Night Can Get by Jann [Link inactive] Universe: Old West Date Added: 5 February 2006 |
How DID He Get That Car? by Mog Universe: ATF Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
How Do I Breathe? by Joanne Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
How It Feels by Kitipurr Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/V) Date Updated: 20 April 2009 |
How Thin The Line? by Riverbrat Chris is certain he can't trust Ezra when a piece of the gambler's past arrives in Four Corners. This story takes place shortly after Ezra recieves his pardon. Universe: Old West Date Added: 13 February 2005 |
Human Beans by Ruby Universe: ATF Date Added: 8 August 2004 |
Humans Just Ain't Worth The Trouble by Lily Of The West Universe: Old West Date Updated: 30 April 2005 |
Hungry by Cecilia Standish Chris has recurring dreams about Ezra, and a game of truth or dare helps him out. Universe: ATF Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
The Hunt by Heather F. Universe: ATF Date Added: 12 July 2004 |
The Hunted by Bernadette Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
The Hunter by Beth Green Universe: Old West Date Added: 9 May 2006 |
Hunters by MTopaz The King's Hunters, magically gifted warriors who enforce the law in the King's name, are sent to investigate a dragon attack in the small village of Four Corners. But things aren't as they seem as the men welcome a new Hunter named JD and deal with an irritating gambler named Ezra Standish. Universe: 7 Hunters Date Added: 12 April 2005 |
Hunter's Moon by Joe Lawson Universe: Two Blood Adult: slash (B/7) Date Added: 1 February 2005 |
Hunting Nanny by Purple Lacey Part of the Treading Softly series Ezra has some problems finding a nanny for Alexander. Universe: ATF Date Added: 28 December 2004 |
Hurricane by LT Universe: ATF Date Added: 31 January 2007 |
Hush by Beth Universe: FBI Files Date Updated: 26 January 2008 |
Hymn Of Thanksgiving by Becky Hromiko Thanksgiving comes to Four Corners for the first time since the guys got together. Ezra and Josiah discuss repairs and thankfulness. Universe: Old West Date Added: 28 February 2004 |
Hypnotic by Cyc An injured Ezra gets some unexpected treatment. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 8 January 2005 |
Hypocrites by Penny M. Part of the Gratitude series Universe: Old West Date Added: 1 February 2004 |
Hypotheses by Cyc Buck reads something he probably shouldn't have and Chris comes to his own hypothesis. Universe: Old West Adult: slash (E/C) Date Added: 9 January 2005 |
Hypothetical Question by Helen Adams A little conversation to liven up a dull day... Universe: Old West Date Added: 10 September 2004 |
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